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HON Tung-yue (韓彤宇)
Instructor (CES, Putonghua)
Telephone: 3943 6727
Office: CS212, Fong Shu Chuen Building
Email: dtyhon@cuhk.edu.hk

Manchester Metropolitan University, England
School of Law
LLB (Hons) Hong Kong
University of Durham, England
School of Education
Master of Arts in Educational Research
Polytechnic University
Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies
Master of Arts in Chinese Linguistics
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
B. S. Degree
Major: Chemistry
Double Minors: French and Italian
Professional Qualification
First Class Upper (97-100) in Putonghua Proficiency Test (普通話水平測試一級甲等)
Employment History
1/2000- present
Full-time Lecturer
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Part-time Instructor
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Teaching Award
In 2007 I was given the Exemplary Teaching Award, an award given to the best teacher at CLC according to evaluations submitted by students
Research & Publications
1999 University Mandarin (co-author)
2001 TV Commercials I Text book
2004 Guided Conversation IIIA Text book
2005 Guided Conversation IIIB Text book
"Does different indicator systems do affect when rating the students' language proficiency"
Selection of Essays of the Seventh International Symposium of Teaching Chinese: Chinese Language Teaching, World Chinese Language Association, Taiwan, December 2003 V p153-p164 -
"電視廣告課在高年級對外漢語教學中的實踐反思與展望" The 14th Conference on Chinese Language Instructions organized by East Asian Studies Program, Princeton University, New Jersey, U.S.A., 2006
"Experimental research on how a TV commercial class improves non-native speakers of Putonghua listening comprehension"
The 6th International Conference on New Technologies in Teaching and Learning Chinese, Woo Song University, Daejeon, Korea, 2008 -
“日韓學生普通話聲調習得偏誤對比實驗研究------利用語音軟件分析” le séminaire sur les méthods pédagogiques en Chinois et les NTIC < nouvelles techniques internationales chinoises>, Université de La Rochelle, La Rochelle, France, 2009
“日本學生在普通話聲調習得中的偏誤分析及教學對策” Selection of Essays of the Ninth International Symposium of Teaching Chinese: Chinese Language Teaching, World Chinese Language Association, Taiwan, December 2009 Volume I p68-p84
"基於《基礎漢語短期課程》教材之輔助練習設計及其教學思考" The design of auxiliary exercises based on teaching material 《Basic Chinese: A Short Course》and its teaching effects 9th BCLTS International Symposium on Innovation and Standardization in Teaching and Learning Chinese in Edinburgh, UK, June 29 - July 1, 2011
“中级外国留学生建构汉语疑问句式的习得研究” The acquisition study of intermediate foreign students in constructing Chinese question patterns The 9th International Conference on “Bilingualism” Chiangrai Rajabhat University, Chiangrai, Thailand 26th to 28th Jan, 2012
“网络教学平台MOODLE在中级汉语听说课程中的应用及效果” The Application and Effectiveness of MOODLE - an E-Learning Platform for Intermediate Chinese Speaking and Listening Course. The 7th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT7) , University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 25th-27th May 2012
<日本學生在普通話聲調習得中的偏誤分析及教學對策>. 《語言學與華語二語教學》 陳學超, 吳偉平編. 第1版 90-104. 香港特別行政區: CUHK Press, 2012.12
"The Application and Advantages of an E-learning Platform (MOODLE) on an Intermediate Chinese Speaking and Listening Course". Paper presented in the Future of Education, organized by PIXEL ASSOCIAZIONE, 4 pgs. Florence, Italy, 2013.06.13.
"The Application and Advantages of an E-Learning Platform (MOODLE) on an Intermediate Chinese Speaking and Listening Course". Paper presented in the Future of Education, ed. by Language Matters Autumn 2013. pp.8-9. Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR: Yale - China Chinese Language Centre The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013.11.15.
“How Blackboard E-learning Tool Affects Intermediate Chinese Speaking and Listening Course". Paper presented in the Education and New Development 2015, organized by World Institute for Advanced Research and Science (WIARS), Portugal, 5 pgs. Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.06.27.
“The overview of Chinese Language Teaching in CUHK”. Paper presented on the 18th Annual International Conference on Education, 16-19 May 2016, Athens, Greece, organized by Athens Institute for Education and Research.
“Challenges in the 21st Century: Development of Chinese Language Teaching in Multicultural Circumstances in CUHK”. Paper presented on the 9th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 26 May 2017, Hat Yai, Thailand. Organized by Prince of Songkhla University.
Shaw Hostel Tutor and secretary to Wardens of Kuo Mou Hall (2000 to 2007)
Service to the Hong Kong Exam and Assessment Authority as a Tape Script Speaker for the Proficiency Exam of PTH
Service to the Hong Kong Exam and Assessment Authority as an Exam Paper co-setter and an assessor of the Mandarin Bench-Mark Proficiency Test
Service to the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority as a member of the Panel of Film Censorship Advisors
To serve as a juror for the High Court (2012)
Fluency in Mandarin, Cantonese, English, French, Italian, Korean and Thai