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WEI Danli, Dolly (韋丹莉)
Instructor (UPS, Putonghua)
Telephone: 3943 8224
Office: TO203, Fong Shu Chuen Building
Email: dolly_weidanli@cuhk.edu.hk

MA in Chinese Linguistic and Language Acquisition, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014
BA in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Beijing Language and Culture University, 2013
Teaching Experience
Instructor (Putonghua), Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK (2022.08- Present)
Teaching Assistant, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK, 2014- 2022.08
Intern Tutor, Yale-China Chinese Language Center, CUHK, 2014
Intern Tutor, International Education Centre, Beijing Language and Culture University, 2013
Intern Tutor, the Alliance for Global Education, Beijing, 2012
Intern Tutor, College of Advanced Chinese Training, Beijing Language and Culture University, 2012
Intern Tutor of Global Education League and distance learning programmes, 2010-2012
韋丹莉、王天嘯、王浩勃. 2019. <語用為綱漢語二語中級教材編寫的實踐>, 載馮勝利,李春普&吳偉平 編著《語言學與華語二語教學――從語言本體到語言運用》,164-187。 香港:商務印書館。[Wei Danli, Wang Tianxiao & Wong Ho Pot. 2019. The Compilation of a CSL Textbook (Intermediate) Based on Pragmatic Framework. Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (volume 8), ed. by Feng Shengli, Li Chunpu & Wu Weiping, 164-187. Hong Kong: The Commercial Press.]
Conference Presentations
Hoyan, H. F., Liu, Z., Wu, B. L., Dong, Y., Wei, D., & Wang, T. (2022, December 14-16). Putonghua as a second language taster course for international students: With a focus on learning Chinese characters [Poster presentation]. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2022, Hong Kong.
Liu, Z., Wang, T., Wei, D., & Wu, B. L. (2022, December 14-16). Flipped classroom preparation for elementary Chinese (Putonghua Reading & Writing I) for international students at CUHK [Poster presentation]. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2022, Hong Kong.
Liu, Z., Wang, T., Wei, D., & Wu, B. L. (2021, July 26-30). Animated dialogues with audio-visual cues for elementary Putonghua for international students [Poster presentation*]. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021, Zoom.
*Won the commendation award for pedagogical innovation.